Kotaro Fukuma has a broad repertoire and conceptual program. If you ask the composer you want to focus on in the future,
“In the near future, I think that Beethoven will play more as it is an anniversary year that will have its 250th birthday in 2020 next year. In the medium term, I would like to work on Scriabin more.
Scriabin is all about attraction. Virtuosity, sensuality, fantasy, a sense of color, a mystical world … Isn’t it a miracle that the swing from the romantic world like Chopin in the first half to the mysterious world in Sonata 10 in the second half? I like every time, I want to play all songs including orchestral pieces by the age of 45”
Scriabin is the owner of synesthesia, creating a unique world, such as thinking about a colored light piano that emits a color according to the keyboard. Unlike Rachmaninoff who lived in his contemporaries, he deviated from the Romantics and was at the forefront of contemporary at the time. But now, if you say it in the publicity, it will be much better for Rachmaninoff. Therefore Fukuma seems to be waiting for the time to show off.
Fukuma has been showing Scriabin’s “Piano Sonata No. 5” in past concerts and has released commentary videos on YouTube. This is rare as a pianist, but it is an activity that suits the digital age. It is said that everything is self-made just like youtuber.
“I started to allow audiences to prepare for the concert. I will try to send out what I want to tell about the song if there is time in the future. Schubert’s “Piano Sonata No. 21” is planning to make a commentary before the April 13 Suntory Hall performance. It’s a long song and it’s a little hard to listen to for the first time. The reason is that we are thinking about how to make the trill appear in the bass many times and become quiet, etc., and the audience should be able to get deeper by explaining it.
There are some who write and explain in the program on the day, and some who speak in MC, but it is not enough to have a great depth of music and to be able to taste even the maniac part. There are many songs that you can not easily understand just by listening to it once. Since YouTube can be played many times, I think this commentary video is a good way. Editing became quite eraborate (laughs)”
In addition to YouTube, Fukuma sends out on digital platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, and communicates with fans. There is a background that I want fans to be more immersed in music.
“I tweet mainly on my own performance activities on Twitter. Today’s show (February 27) I recruited encore songs, but it is an easy thing to do because SNS is so developed. I myself will be very helpful. You can easily research what your fans want and what will they play on the day? I feel more and more excited. Thank you for playing the requested song at the signing session! I’m glad if this is said”
It seems like a digital influencer, but it is “to the extent that it does not fall at the end of the game. The priority is to play”. These activities are likely to lead to the expansion of classical music fans, but Fukuma is looking ahead.
Classics are trying to spread the bottom of their fans, which is different from raising the overall level.
Broadening the base may increase the audience’s satisfaction if only major composers such as Chopin, Beethoven and Mozart are heard, but I do not think that classical music fans have expanded in principle. By making such people know the episodes of unknown works and composers and the interpretation of the performers, I would like to further disseminate them to be interested in the depths of the classic and the new world.
Nowadays you can listen to music anywhere whenever you want to on your smartphone. However, that does not mean that the value of the live performance has dropped. It has rather been enriched. In the world of pop music, the live market is expanding. In the world of fashion, runway show is now being delivered real time, but the invitation from popular brands are platinum tickets as well. In the world of contemporary art, the experience-based exhibition of Leandro Ehrlich at the Mori Art Museum has surpassed 600,000 turnout and became the highest entered art exhibition in 2018. The audience is seeking intense experience that can only be appreciated at there and at the moment. It is the same with classical music. Fukuma seems to always pursue that “intensity”.
I’m not satisfied with listening to the songs that you just like, the songs that I know, but I want to give a fresh impression through my performance. One person today, “I did not like Satie very much, but I bought a sheet of music with a very enjoyable song” and commented me. I’m really happy about this.
They don’t have to listen to the entire program. I just want the people to experience something new through listening the music however short time it may be – it could be only a single piece, a single section, or even a single phrase – and feel they’ve never heard the music played in that kind of way, So that is part of the reason I make my program somewhat conceptual. I want to change the way the audience listens to the music.
I think that the impressions of listening to “La Valse” is different depending on whether the context is Vienna or Paris, and the impression will also change if it is in the compilation of transcripts or when it is placed in the program arranged with Waltz.
I feel that a concert is one time, one meeting every time I perform. There are always one time, one meeting with the audience, hall, etc. but there is something that is born at that spot and moment at the concert. Even if it is the same piece or a script that you already know, but I think that the performance is slightly different today compared to yesterday and tomorrow. I’m not changing it but it changes with delicate factors such as my physical and mental condition and even how I am breathing at that moment.
In other words, I would like to deliver an intense and one-time experience. That’s the best part about live. Listening to music on YouTube is also another way to enjoy but sharing the stimulation with the artists and other audiences is something that can only be experienced at lives.
4月の公演以降も5月3~5日には毎年の風物詩ラ・フォル・ ジュルネTOKYO 2019に全日出演。5月25~31日にはブランデンブルク国立管弦楽団フランクフルトとブラームスの『ピアノ協奏曲2番』を協演する。前者はイベントテーマにのっとり旅をテーマにした広いレパートリーが演奏される。後者は急遽ネルソン・フレイレの代役を務め24時間の猶予の中で見事成功させた思い出深いコンチェルトの日本初となるライブだ。福間の“インテンス”をぜひ体験してほしい。
After the performance in April, he will be on stage every day at La Folle Journee Tokyo 2019 from May 3rd to the 5th. From the 25th to the 31st, he will be playing Brahms’ “Piano Concerto No. 2” with the Brandenburg National Orchestra Frankfurt. The former has a broad repertoire relating to traveling as the event theme is set. The latter is the first live in Japan performing the memorable concerto of which he had succeeded as a substitute of Nelson Freire given only 24-hours. We want you to experience the Fukuma “intense” by all means.
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Kotaro Fukuma Biography
アルバムタイトル:France Romance
アーティスト:福間洸太朗(Kotaro Fukuma)
レーベル:Naxos Japan
発 売 日:2019年4月17日(予定)日本・ヨーロッパ同時発売
価 格:2,500円(消費税別)
・ New release information
Album title: France Romance
Artist: Kotaro Fukuma
Label: Naxos Japan
Release date: April 17th, 2019 (scheduled) Simultaneous launch in Japan and Europe
Price: 2,500 yen (excluding consumption tax)
Debussy: Reverie
Debussy: La plus que Lent
Faure: Improvisation No.5 from 8 Pieces Breves, Op. 84, Nocturne No.8
Faure: Three Romances sans paroles, Op. 17
Ravel: Pavane for the Dead Princess
Ravel: La Valse (transcription by Fukuma)
Satie: Gymnopedie No. 1, Je Te Veux (transcription by Fukuma)
Poulenc: Improvisation No. 15 “Hommage a Edith Piaf “, three novelettes
Weissenberg: 6 arrangements of songs by Charles Trenet
Lenoir: Parlez-moi d’amour (transcription by Fukuma)
日時:2019年4月13日(土) 14:00開演 (13:30開場)
会場:サントリーホール 大ホール
ハイドン:幻想曲 ハ長調 Hob.XVII:4
シューベルト:ソナタ第21番 変ロ長調 D.960
ショパン:バラード第1番 op.23
サティ:ジュ・トゥ・ヴ (福間編曲)
ワイセンベルク: 「シャルル・トレネによる6つの歌の編曲」 より「パリの四月」
チケット料金:S=4,800円 A=3,800円 B= 2,800円 P=2,000円(税込)
サントリーホールチケットセンター:0570-55-0017 http://suntory.jp/HALL/
チケットぴあ:0570-02-9999(Pコード 137-554)
ローソンチケット:0570-000-407(オペレーター対応 10:00〜20:00)、 0570-084-033(Lコード 31312)
・Concert informaiton
Date and time: April 13th, 2019 (Sat) 14:00 starts (opened at 13:30)
Venue: Suntory Hall Main Hall
Cast: Fukuda Ryotaro (Piano)
Haydn: Fantasia C major Hob. XVII: 4
Schubert: Sonata No. 21 in B-flat major D. 960
Chopin: Ballade No. 1 op. 23
Debussy: Reverie
Poulenc: Impromptu No.15 “Hommage a Edith Piaf”
Satie: Je te Veux (transcription by Fukuma)
Weisenberg: “En avril a Paris” from 6 arrangements of songs by Charles Trenet
Ravel: La Valse (transcription by Fukuma)
Ticket fee: S = 4,800 yen, A = 3,800 yen, B = 2,800 yen, P = 2,000 yen (tax included)
Ticket handled by:
Suntory Hall Ticket Center: 0570-55-0017 http://suntory.jp/HALL/
Ticket Pia: 0570-02-9999 (P code 137-554)
Lawson ticket: 0570-000-407 (open 10:00 to 20:00) 0570-084-033 (L code 31312) http://l-tike.com/
Eplus: http://eplus.jp
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